Our company

Who we are

In 2015 ERFRUT started its work targeting a specific (national) market niche. In this way, the associates joined forces with experience in productive, packaging, logistic and commercial sectors. This was translated into solid, organized and sustainable growth.

Our accurate work method has allowed us to diversify our commercial options reaching direct exports of our products to different markets: Taiwan, Latin America, United States and Europe, among others. Everything thanks to a qualified, committed and passionate team

Our principal product

The healthiest fiber

What gives apple real medical properties are the phyto-chemical substances it contains: pectin, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids or boron. The last one, a mineral it possesses in really high concentrations.

Royal Gala

The perfect balance between sugar and acidity

“Gala” is a cultivated apple variety with New Zealand origin. It is the result of two generations of controlled crosses carried out by J. H. Kidd. “Gala” was the outcome of Kidd´s Orange Red and Golden Delicious crosses. It was called Gala just in 1962 and it was released for its commercial planting in 1965.

Granny Smith

The bright green apples

Granny apples are bright green, although some of them can have pink skin. They are crispy, juicy and acids, great for cooking and for eating raw


The sweetest and crispiest among all varieties

Fuji apples normally are big or very big and round. They are denser, sweeter and crispier than many other apple varieties.


Crispy and slightly sweet

The fruit with shape of heart has a bright red color and sometimes it has stripes. It is known for its crispy texture with a slightly soft flavor. This tasty apple is perfect for fresh salads.


An ideal balance between sugar and acidity

Famous for its intense pink color and its particularly round shape, It has been recognized as leader for its quantity of flavonoids: a plant pigment rich in antioxidants, which is highly beneficial for human health.

Flavonoids are characterized because they can improve health by reducing heart diseases, relaxing blood vessels and decreasing high blood pressure risks, among other benefits.

Our services

Qualified People for every area of service


We own a plant in the near of Curico in order to carry out the whole service of apple packaging

Our lands

Most of them are in the foothills of the Andes, at the Maule region. Which has a privileged climate and a real charming setting

National sale and export

We have a fruit specialized area both nationally and for export sales.

The hard work of our producers reflected in a quality fruit, disposed on tables all over the world
The hard work of our producers reflected in a quality fruit, disposed on tables all over the world
The hard work of our producers reflected in a quality fruit, disposed on tables all over the world

Mainly located in the foothills of the Chilean Andes, our lands possess a unique climate. This besides our especial care and dedication make possible to produce one of the highest quality fruits in the country.

“Lands specially cultivated at each stage in order to obtain quality fruits over time”

Our packaging

Packaging for the world

Packaging upon request, different sizes and weights, meeting every of our customers’ requirements for both domestic and export markets.

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Ciudad: Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile